Greenville Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

Holding Facilities Accountable for Their Conduct

nursing homeMaking the decision to admit your elderly loved one into a nursing home can be tough. It can be even more difficult to learn that the facility you trusted to care for your family member was neglecting them, which resulted in injury. If your loved one suffered psychological or physical harm because of a lack of proper care at a nursing home, you might be able to initiate a lawsuit to obtain compensation for damages suffered. The recovery you receive could help pay for medical treatment, ongoing care, and other expenses incurred because of the neglect. It can also hold the responsible parties accountable for their harmful actions or inactions.

If your loved one was the victim of nursing home neglect, our attorneys at Williams Newman Williams are here to provide the legal guidance you need to file a claim against the facility. We have extensive experience helping injured individuals and their family members seek justice for harm they suffered, and we have recovered just settlements and verdicts in the past. Our team provides compassionate and attentive service to learn about your situation and build a legal strategy to fight for fair compensation on your behalf.

Get started on your case by speaking to us during a free consultation. Call (601) 949-5080 today.

What Is Nursing Home Neglect?

Nursing home neglect is a type of abuse that occurs when residents are not given the standard of care they deserve. Unfortunately, this negligence is not uncommon and can result in serious health and safety risks for patients. In June of 2019, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report of potential instances of nursing home abuse and neglect. The agency estimated that, in 2016, around 7,831 of 37,607 hospital ER visits for Medicare beneficiaries in skilled nursing facilities were the result of potential abuse or neglect. Additionally, many of these incidents went underreported, making it difficult to stop such conduct in nursing homes and take legal action.

Nursing home neglect often arises because of understaffing, inadequate supervision, and a lack of resources for adjusting to the changing needs of residents. Regardless of the reason a facility provides substandard care, neglect is wrong and should never be tolerated.

Residents who are neglected often suffer a number of consequences, including:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Dirty clothes
  • Untreated medical issues
  • Injuries that don’t heal
  • Constant illnesses
  • Dehydration
  • Unpaid expenses
  • Psychological changes

Some cases of neglect can result in a resident’s death. For instance, a 2019 report on poor care in U.S. nursing homes released by Senators Bob Casey, D-Pa, and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., cited a situation in which a resident had a catheter removed and bled through the night. Although he was moaning in pain, the staff didn’t take him to the emergency until the next morning, and he passed away.

It is important to report instances of neglect in nursing homes. Doing so brings to light the harm happening, and can force the facility to change their policies/procedures, possibly preventing similar situations from arising in the future. If you suspect that your elderly loved one has been neglected at their nursing home, remove them from the facility and report the situation immediately.

Fighting for Justice on Behalf of Injured Nursing Home Residents

At Williams Newman Williams, we know that learning your loved one was harmed at their nursing home can be stressful and upsetting. Our team in Greenville is ready to provide skilled legal representation to help you file a claim and seek to hold the facility financially accountable for the damages it caused. From the beginning of your case to its conclusion, we will attend to every detail so you can focus on getting the proper treatment for your loved one’s injuries. Additionally, we work on a contingency fee basis, which you won’t pay legal costs unless we recover compensation on your behalf.

For a free consultation, call us at (601) 949-5080 or contact us online.

The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.